customer service automation
customer service automation

Today we know that  good customer service  that meets the requirements of speed, effectiveness, availability and quality can become a trigger that helps us increase the sales of our company and, therefore, they are a fundamental component to do grow our business.

But why is customer service  automation  so important  beyond what meets the eye?

In this article we will address some of the most important advantages of automated customer service, both from a customer perspective and from the benefits for your company.

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Advantages for attracting potential customers

Putting ourselves from the  consumer’s perspective  we find a good number of advantages of automating our customer service.

Greater confidence in the company that has automated customer service

When a potential customer contacts a company that has this automated customer service, they begin to  establish a relationship of trust . Noting that the company has well-established sales processes reduces the number of barriers that prevent the prospect from completing the sales process. A customer who feels that they have received good service will probably want to buy again and recommend the brand to their acquaintances.

The entire sales process in one place

Many of us, as customers, tend to be a bit lazy when it comes to going through the entire sales process. Automation processes allow the company to provide the customer with everything to  carry out the sales process in one place . In this way we will go from attention to action in the shortest possible time.

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A quick sale is a sale that represents a lower cost of customer acquisition for the company.

Cost reduction and 24/7 service

Automation marketing means looking for new alternatives to meet the needs of the modern customer, with the help of tools such as  web forms, chatbots or  CRM software , among others, it is possible to generate an integrated service 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Some companies have call centers and online service centers for the resolution of doubts and queries from clients or prospects that work 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Depending on the size of the business, this customer service solution can be very expensive and even dysfunctional. However, many companies managed to solve this problem efficiently with the help of popular phone answering services.

In fact, many companies that implement this automated service lower their costs, since thanks to forms, chats, FAQs and other solutions  they do not need to pay for night hours  and allow the sales team to perform much more during business hours.

By automating the interaction with the customer, the sales department can get down to work to solve the most common doubts and find the critical points of the negotiation to optimize the operation of the automated tools and processes.

Most customer interactions (especially when they are looking for a similar product) are usually replicable. This guarantees an optimization of the sales team’s time.

Increase customer satisfaction and loyalty

When a consumer lives an agile, reliable sales process, and who left him without the doubt that he made a great purchase, it is easier for him to return to buy from us again. However, the benefits of automating customer service do not end there, the information obtained through interactions and forms will allow  scheduled post-sale follow-ups to confirm that the entire experience was satisfactory .

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Giving the customer their place is essential from our perspective.

Advantages that companies obtain with the automation of customer service

The  satisfaction of the customer  is a key component in the whole corporate culture, but automate the service consumer response has even more advantages for the company and its growth.

One more step towards digital transformation

We are facing  the transformation of all companies into businesses that work both in the traditional and digital fields . This trend opens up a very large panorama for companies because thanks to the possibility of selling on social networks and other platforms they can increase their turnover, access a base of potential customers they did not know and even start new markets or products.

Increase sales and decrease the churn rate

Companies that opt ​​for  automaton  sell more because they have the possibility of  closing sales at different times and from different latitudes .

But the benefits don’t stop there. A sales process that is abandoned can be taken back by the customer to a customer service with repechage options and   personalized remarketing with different communication channels, such as messaging apps or emails.

Another great advantage is the possibility of creating  cross-sales , based on a customer’s purchase history or their inquiries, the company can offer products, services, warranty extensions and much more.


Thanks to the amount of information that each prospect or client leaves in our forms or with our  chatbots  , attention can be provided from various platforms: chat on the website, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp Business, Skype, Viber and many more.

The information of the prospect will be available to properly follow up the sale, provide information or perform technical support work in the CRM, both for the marketing and sales areas.

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Change of business culture

The trend in how to communicate with the customer is increasingly focused on putting the user at the center of the entire strategy ( customer-centricity ), rather than on the way of offering a specific product.

The “client-centric culture” allows companies and entrepreneurs to use tools such as customer service automation to differentiate themselves from the competition and achieve business growth thanks to  automated hyper-personalization .

By having all the information of the different points of contact that we have had with the client or lead available, we can focus on devoting our attention to the negotiations that represent higher turnover for the company at the current moment and let the lead mature if it is still there. not ready for sale.

The implementation of an automated customer service is the solution for many headaches of companies and customers: technical support, after-sales service, increased billing, sales closure, cross-selling and many more advantages, which are part of the range of Possibilities that are opened with this powerful tool that will contribute to the digitization and change of business culture.