Marketing Branding
Marketing Branding

On many occasions, to be successful, it is necessary to stand out from other companies or brands that offer a similar or equal product or service. This is where Brand Marketing or Branding intervenes  , an essential tool to achieve the success of a company and to create the image with which the audience will identify with that brand. We explain below what this marketing strategy is and what it consists of  .

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What is Brand Marketing or Branding?

Brand Marketing or Branding is the key for a company to be successful. It’s about the  process that includes all the work that goes into building a brand.  This process would include everything from the design of the logo and the choice of corporate colors, to the communicative tone, the values ​​or the message to be transmitted. All the actions that revolve around the creation of a brand are part of  Branding .

It is a long and complicated job, since all these actions are aimed at leading the brand to become a benchmark and that consumers always keep it in mind, either directly or indirectly.

If we say that it is a long process, as well as complicated, it is because Branding begins from the moment the idea of ​​creating a company is born. From that moment all subsequent actions are included within Brand Marketing:  creation of a name, creation of a corporate identity, positioning, brand loyalty and brand architecture.

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Key aspects of Brand Marketing

For all the Brand Marketing work to bear fruit and the company to achieve success, it is necessary to take into account some key aspects:

  • The audience you are going to address: it  is very important to identify the profile that will be interested in what the brand offers. It is not possible to capture a young audience in the same way as a more adult one, nor can the attention of the female public be attracted in the same way that it would be called the male audience. Once the profile of the potential client has been identified, you have to put yourself in their place to find out what they think, how they feel, what they need …
  • Send a clear and direct message:  once all of the above is clear, the next step is to launch a message to capture the public’s attention. This message should be direct, clear and the shorter the better. It is about giving information about the product or service that, in addition to being specific, manages to arouse the interest of the audience.
  • Connect with the public: it is  not enough that the public like what the brand offers. This has to feel identified with the message is transmitted. It is very important that the audience to whom the message is directed feels that the brand knows their feelings, needs, concerns very well … In this way they will trust the product or service much more.

We can see that in Branding Marketing everything revolves around the public. During the entire creation process it is very important to take into account the type of profile that will be interested in that product or service to create an image that draws attention to this type of specific people, since it is precisely they who can become potential customers.

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Tips for applying Brand Marketing to your company

As we have already mentioned, Brand Marketing work begins at the moment when the idea of ​​creating a company is born. This means that you must start by choosing a name, a logo, corporate colors, values, a communicative tone … When the company is already created and has a defined structure, it is time to show it to the world.

Here are some tips to start applying Brand Marketing to your company and that will help you take, at least, the first steps towards success.

  • Take care of marketing campaigns because the way you present yourself and address the public are key.  It is clear that doing something original and striking can be crucial to achieve success, but it is important to always stay within the same line. By this we mean that, within originality, it is important not to lose coherence.
  • Be careful with sudden changes because they can have a bad reception.  Before making a change in the logo, in the design of the product, in the way of communicating with the public … you have to study it a lot and assess the possible reactions of this. The changes are not bad, but the opinion of the audience must always be taken into account.
  • Focus more on the brand than the product so that the public will remember you.  One of the most successful actions within branding has been to focus on the brand rather than the product. Although this is not applicable to all companies, it is a way to add value to future products or services.
  • Try to keep up to date with everything to capture the consumer’s attention.  Knowing the concerns, concerns or feelings of consumers, among other things, can be of great help to orient a marketing campaign towards what will attract the most attention. To know this information it is necessary to know the fashions, trends, current social situation … All the information of the present can be used to make a good advertising campaign.
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As we have already mentioned, Branding Marketing is a long and complex process. In fact, it is a job that can take months, even years, depending on the size of the company. Everything must be chosen with great care because every element, from the logo to an  advertising campaign , has an impact on the public. In addition, we must emphasize that branding is not an exact science, so constant training is very important to manage a brand strategically and professionally and know how to adapt to changes.