When you decide on creating a digital marketing strategy, you hope it’ll increase your revenue by attracting new clients. But the truth is that not every plan can provide such results. Sometimes very small mistakes can have a huge influence on the final outcome of the whole campaign. Remember that in marketing there is no final goal you’re aiming for, there’s always another step to take and more business growth to achieve. You need to give your new strategy some time before you decide whether it’s effective or not. However, there are a few signs that you should definitely look out for.

Your Google rankings dropped

Every brand looking to increase revenues and profit margins is turning to digital marketing. In the post COVID-19 world, digital marketing is going to be a major driver for companies looking to transform and reinvent their entire businesses. Companies who are able to get a good partner in the form of an excellent digital marketing agency will find it easier and more lucrative to make the transition. 

SEO is not some magic tool which will always provide incredible results. Its main goal is increasing your visibility on the internet. But you can’t expect to rise in rankings overnight. If there’s no improvement at all, after two or three months, then it’s a clear sign you need to alter your strategy. However, even good effects won’t mean your job is done. If you want to keep up with Google algorithm updates and your competitors, you need to monitor and update your website’s keywords regularly.

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Your conversion rate is low

Ranking high on Google can encourage people to visit your site, but it doesn’t mean they’ll stay and buy anything. If you want to improve your conversion rate, you need to interest visitors enough to make them want to stay longer and browse through your offer. You can easily find out which parts of your website need improvement by tracking clients’ behaviours during shopping. You can also hire professional software developers like CSHARK to create an app which will make your shop even more accessible and easier to navigate. There are a few things you can try out to increase your revenue, f.e., simplifying the site’s design, recommending related products or offering various payment options.

Website traffic isn’t increasing

If you don’t see a rise in traffic despite implementing a new marketing strategy, it’s time to alter it a bit. You may be outranked by your competitors in search results. Or you offer doesn’t stand out. It’s also worth checking whether your social media profiles generate a sufficient number of visits. Revise the content you post on your blog, Facebook page and other platforms, and check the feedback. Generally, engaging content will keep people more interested in your business. Use this opportunity and talk about special occasions and seasonal promotions. It’s an effective way of attracting new clients.

Customers don’t stay on your website

If this problem concerns your overall traffic, it’s most likely content-related. Maybe your offer just isn’t interesting enough, or your site is too complicated for customers to find what they need. It may also be caused by too many pop-up ads. However, if this problem is mostly connected to traffic from mobile devices, it needs completely different solutions. If your site isn’t responsive, there’s a big chance it won’t look very appealing on smartphones or tablets. It’s also a well-known fact that most users of such devices will leave the site if it doesn’t load during the first few seconds. Solving these problems can help in increasing your conversion rate.

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Mistakes can be helpful if you learn from them. That’s why, once you notice that your plan is ineffective, try to find the cause and change your approach. You’ll most likely have to try out different things before you see any results, but expanding your business is definitely worth the hard work. Another possibility is hiring a team of professionals to take care of your marketing campaign for you. It’s worth noting that you don’t necessarily need to look for a local company, a digital agency in Brussels, Berlin or London can offer you equally interesting strategies. The most important thing is to find an agency that will understand what your business needs.